The Thoughts of Heart

Last night I lay still on my bed and relaxed. It happened just on its own which is the reason of its effectiveness. My mind stopped making theories and the heart started to talk. First I didn’t notice it but it took gradually possession of my being. I had forgotten that the Heart doesn’t use words only moods. It has a particularly crush on tranquility and contentment. Just staying in my rare possession the rain came in my mind. The mood was alike. It gave me a wink that the foundation of this feeling lies on me, in my existence, but I just don’t remember to let my inner peace take care of me. The rain was homey and we all know that sense of soul security. This poem spurs on finding the peace, that it is possible for all of us. It wasn’t aware of doing it, which is only a good thing. Let’s listen to the rustle of the thoughts of our hearts. And don’t be discouraged if it didn’t come noticed all the time, at least I am not used to it in the centre of this urban noise and haste.

The Thoughts of Heart

It’s good to lie still
on a very bed of yours
and listen to
how the thoughts of heart
are falling against
the sounding board of your mind.
It’s like being inside
when a cool autumn rain
is fingering the outer face
of your window.
6/11 -12

I have added this poem on the Poems page.

About Yelling Rosa

I am retired. In my spare time I read, write, play the guitar and hike. I have published three verse books in Finnish and recorded my songs. You can listen to them on YouTube. I have translated some of my poems on Yelling Rosa's Weblog. I also like to watch movies. Olen kiinnostunut lukemisesta, kirjoittamisesta, kitaransoitosta ja luonnossa vaeltamisesta. Olen julkaissut kolme runokirjaa ja laulujani on äänitteillä. Voit lukea runojani Yelling Rosan kotisivuilta ja kuunnella laulujani YouTubessa. Olen elokuvafriikki.
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