Contact Me

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37 Responses to Contact Me

  1. J T Weaver says:

    Thank you for stopping by my blog and reading so many of my posts. I truly hope you enjoyed them and I am always interested in the opinions of everyone who reads them.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. davidkitz says:

    I admire your command of the English language. And while I’m at it, congratulations to Finland’s junior hockey team.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Yelling Rosa says:

      Thank you David.
      The young Finnish hockey players were really happy after winning the World Junior Championship 2014 in Sweden. I’m sure they appreciate all the congratulations they are going to get.
      Take care.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. davidkitz says:

    Our Canadian team did not do as well. Sometimes the teacher has some learning to do.


  4. How did you find me, Rosa ???


  5. pennylanethoughts says:

    Thank you for stopping by my blog. You have a lovely blog which I am happy to follow! I look forward to reading more from you. Happy blogging!


  6. I especially enjoyed your “Hover, Hover Ladybug” song and video.
    I love to sing (I sang with the Washington Opera for 13 years), so I sang along with you, …using your English version of the song. Thank you!


    • Yelling Rosa says:

      Thank you for the comment. I am happy that the song appealed to you. I am sure that you noticed how the melody is built in five notes. Extraordinary how the ordinary folk knows how to make a masterpiece without wasting resources. Take care 😉


  7. Thank you for visiting my blog! I like your work!
    PS. Do you speak romanian? 🙂


  8. Thank you for visiting my blog – Espace mouvant – I like your blog too. A new discovery. I have one question? I’m curious. My blog is in french (I am from Montreal, Québec, Canada). Do you read french? Have a nice time with your blog.


    • Yelling Rosa says:

      Thank you for being here in turn. I like it there at your place. I have to use the translator with France. I have some experience with Latin and Spanish so that sometimes I understand little your language.
      Take care 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  9. sheldonk2014 says:

    I love that piece about love
    And the art work
    Thank you for visiting
    As always Sheldon


  10. It’s funny! You visit my blog and I was posting about Paasilinna. But it’s in Italian, sure. I like You read and understand it. Automatic translator is not good. YUM, it’s a pity:-)


  11. Ankur Mithal says:

    Not able to leave a comment on your post Paucalism


  12. verawrites says:

    Hello YR, thanks for visiting my blog. You have interesting content on yours. I admire people who can speak through poetry, art and music. Well done!

    May I suggest you correct the typo in your mini bio profile; you misspelled the word ‘design’ as ‘desing’.

    Continue creating and blessing others…


  13. tiostib says:

    I’m delighted that you visited my blog and, in turn, offer me the chance to connect with you and another part of our beautiful planet. Namaste!


  14. Hola Yelling Rosa, soy Edgard de Nicaragua de quien has visto los post en mi sitio de WordPress, quería decirte: gracias! Y que me ha encantado tu sitio, la organización y contenido. Como me gustaría tener parecido el mío.
    Saludos y en contacto


  15. Hello Rosa,
    Thank you for visiting my blog and for ‘liking’
    my poems. I had a peek at yours and they are
    short but profound.
    By the way, I have a lovely Finnish friend who
    was a former neighbor and she had introduced
    me to so many delicious, traditional Finnish
    dishes. Our family love Korvapuusti or ear-bang.
    I’ll be following you and look forward to catching
    up with you on the blog. Kind regards, Wendy


    • Yelling Rosa says:

      Thank you for being here, in turn. Yep, let’s keep in touch.
      The ear-bang is one of those few things you can’t bet by being sweet or naughty, but it was a long, long time ago when I was a child 😉


  16. Thanks for liking my blog. I will spend some time reading yours. A few years ago I worked for YLE in Helsinki teaching TV journalists ( Finnish and Swedish speaking), and I have good friends who now live in Lovisa, and I miss coming to Finland. Maybe a holiday sometime, who knows? I have written about my time in Helsinki:

    Jag älskar Helsingfors

    Liked by 1 person

    • Yelling Rosa says:

      Thank you for being here, in turn. I will return onto your blog in the future. Now, as you have worked for YLE you know how hard it is for Finns to get English right because English and Finnish are so far away from each other. Recently I have found the Grammarly application. It has given me much relief with this mixed English from many languages.

      I have tried to find myself a tutor who also knows a little bit of Finnish to make my poetic path less stony. Do you have any suggestions?

      I wish you and your loved ones all the best

      PS I am concentrating on my Finnish blog from the beginning of this year 2020, I keep on writing poems in English but reporting in Finnish.


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