The Sled of Death

My tears are running
Like a stream in the river.
Once more the sled of
Death launched me
Back in life and yelled:
Don’t blame me:
If the destiny has
trampled you
© Yelling Rosa
27/5 -19

In English, the story is the same as in a Finnish version but I express it more abruptly, almost in a rude way. Luckily,  I didn’t start to explain this verse though I didn’t immediately get its logic. Next day it was clear to me. Death is angry because it has been exploited.  A human didn’t endure life. Of course, this is only my view. You might invent something else.

Kuoleman vaunut

Minun kyyneleeni juoksevat
kuin hengästynyt virta joessa.
Vielä kaatui kuoleman kelkka
mutkassa ja minut sinkosi
tykinkuulana taivaalle.
Perääni hihkaista ehti:
”Jos on elämä sinua
potkinut minua
älä syytä.”
© Yelling Rosa
27/5 –19



Minun kyyneleeni

My tears


are running



hengästynyt virta

a winded stream


in the river.


One more time


fell down/did fall down

kuoleman kelkka/vaunut

the carriage of death/death


in the curve/corner

ja minut sinkosi

and launched me


like I were a cannonball


in the sky/into the clouds

hihkaista ehti:

Still it (death) has time
to yell:

Jos on elämä sinua

If life has

päähän potkinut

kicked you to head => to kick to head (saying) = to treat cruelly

älä minua syytä.

don’t blame me.

This poem recited in Finnish by me

You can read this verse in Interlingua here.

PS Please read my new poem in English, Russian and Finnish here.

About Yelling Rosa

I am retired. In my spare time I read, write, play the guitar and hike. I have published three verse books in Finnish and recorded my songs. You can listen to them on YouTube. I have translated some of my poems on Yelling Rosa's Weblog. I also like to watch movies. Olen kiinnostunut lukemisesta, kirjoittamisesta, kitaransoitosta ja luonnossa vaeltamisesta. Olen julkaissut kolme runokirjaa ja laulujani on äänitteillä. Voit lukea runojani Yelling Rosan kotisivuilta ja kuunnella laulujani YouTubessa. Olen elokuvafriikki.
This entry was posted in English, Finnish, General, Languages, Literature, Poetry, Visual Arts. Bookmark the permalink.

52 Responses to The Sled of Death

  1. Colltales says:

    Well put it, Yelling Rosa. Cheers

    Liked by 2 people

  2. ivor20 says:

    Death is our destiny
    Life is our story

    Liked by 3 people

  3. macalder02 says:

    Death awaits us somewhere in life. Very good your poem.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I’m commenting on several of your posts, since past ones seem closed. Happy March Birthday to a fellow Piscean (mine is 3/15). Yes, we are sensitive souls who swim as gracefully as possible in this ocean of strangeness. I like your singing voice and how you used your own shadow in the YouTube presentation. Thanks for translating your poems here from Finnish to English. Fascinating poems. Well done.

    Liked by 2 people

  5. Happy March Birthday. I’ll be 70 June 18. Health issues. Best medicine: live each day.

    Liked by 2 people

  6. newwhitebear says:

    The death can wait. A beautiful poem!

    Liked by 2 people

  7. We cannot escape death but must embrace life every day.

    Liked by 2 people

  8. Thanks for the comparison/contrast of languages! Loved the poem!

    Liked by 2 people

  9. Azam Gill says:

    Enjoyed reading your beautiful poem!

    Liked by 2 people

  10. tidalscribe says:

    Clever words, death has its own time planned for us and doesn’t want us to sneak up and choose just because we made a mess of things, then have everyone blaming death!

    Liked by 1 person

  11. If life has treated you cruelly don’t blame death. That is quite an interesting take. Death can be seen as the merciful ender of all suffering.

    Don’t get cross with death because you suffered and did not die? Not death’s fault.

    Liked by 1 person

  12. gauriwalecha says:

    That’s a beautiful piece there! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  13. Oh yes, I guess we can’t blame death for destiny. But death shouldn’t be angry, because it wins in the end. 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  14. JT Twissel says:

    I would love to hear this recited in Finnish.


  15. Bertie says:

    That’s life.
    You are a real poet!

    Liked by 1 person

  16. stolzyblog says:

    So interesting to read and think about the Finnish transliteration… a language I know almost nothing about. Strangely enough, in piecing together the Finnish word elements and idiom pictures, I arrive at a different possibility for the poem’s meaning, as compared to the English which seems more confined or straightforward.

    In a way, I see death as a being, or it’s function as performed by a being with special capabilities and responsibilities. But he is constrained and bound to duty in this task. It is even a kind of sacred sacrifice for him, to uphold this task. He is not the one who chooses or decides the moment. That is governed by rules of destiny. One can also make very interesting readings of this poem while thinking on how it realtes to suicides.

    Thank you very much, also, for looking at my technical writing website. Few have the patience for this… you deserve gratitude. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Yelling Rosa says:

      Thank you for commenting. It can be so as you’re telling because I always try to find the result which suits with the language. On the other hand, I try to avoid explaining. I hope this leaves room for the reader to do own conclusions. Of course, I am not as skilled at English as I am at Finnish but what is possible in one language might be impossible in another one.

      I earned my living by designing home pages and did some coding as well. Now after being retired some time I checked have things changed.
      Take care 🙂

      PS You can listen to more of my poems in Finnish at here.
      There is a Google Translator available 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  17. Reblogged this on quirkywritingcorner and commented:
    I enjoyed hearing this in Finnish and found it rather easy to follow. Delightful.

    Liked by 1 person

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