Happy First of May 2017

Hauskaa Vappua 2017 © Yelling Rosa

Happy First of May!
Hauskaa Vappua!
Glad Valborg!
PS I took this picture on 28 April 2017
somewhere in Lapland.

About Yelling Rosa

I am retired. In my spare time I read, write, play the guitar and hike. I have published three verse books in Finnish and recorded my songs. You can listen to them on YouTube. I have translated some of my poems on Yelling Rosa's Weblog. I also like to watch movies. Olen kiinnostunut lukemisesta, kirjoittamisesta, kitaransoitosta ja luonnossa vaeltamisesta. Olen julkaissut kolme runokirjaa ja laulujani on äänitteillä. Voit lukea runojani Yelling Rosan kotisivuilta ja kuunnella laulujani YouTubessa. Olen elokuvafriikki.
This entry was posted in English, Finnish, Languages, Nature, Society, Swedish, Visual Arts. Bookmark the permalink.

44 Responses to Happy First of May 2017

  1. Anhora says:

    You don’t need to go to Lapland to see such snowy sceneries. In South Germany it looked quite similar last week. 😦
    But while there’s life, there’s hope. 🙂


  2. kethuprofumo says:

    Great! It cools down the spring! 🙂


  3. newwhitebear says:

    Be a happy day, on May 1st


  4. Paola says:

    Buon Primo Maggio!


  5. Tiny says:

    Hyvaa vappua! Onpas paljon lunta 🙂


  6. And a happy May first day to you also! The snow is beautiful. All the best to you for the seasons ahead. We here are quickly heading toward summer as the temperatures have been hitting the 90s.


  7. PPawlo says:

    A happy May for you, too! 🙂


  8. It doesn’t really look like First of May. However, May 1 is not about the weather it is about feeling and understanding this particular day history.


    • Yelling Rosa says:

      Thank you for commenting. I agree with you that the most important thing is to remember why we celebrate the First of May. The better working conditions have not come to us without those people who devoted their life time to make our life easier, many of them gave even their lives while making the better future. Unfortunately from some quarters us are misleading into believing that brother- and sisterhood isn’t relevant anymore and on the contrary they are blogging the global economic growth. Well, composing the long story short, I am saying that any of us can imagine what kind of a place this world would be without the social equality.
      Take care and all the best to you 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  9. vincenza63 says:

    Jingle bells, jingle bells 😀
    A warm hug from Italy!


  10. Hyvaa Paivaa but with umlauts.

    Liked by 1 person

  11. sherazade says:

    I hope not to be too late to thank u for yr wishes!


  12. Apprezzo come scrivi e sono molto incuriosita da te. Alla prossima.


  13. nora116308 says:

    I think that may is happy because I was born in May.Have a happy May!.


  14. Wow, what a great photo! Just wanted to say that I’m so glad that you came to my blog. Excellent to reconnect with you. 🙂 Happy May to you too!
    Blessings, and smiles,


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