Midsummer Spells to You

In Finland Midsummer, 24.6.2016, is the biggest festival day of the year. It is the celebration of the summer solstice when Finns spend time with friends and/or family at summer cottages away from the cities. The Midsummer traditions come from the pagan era even though many of Finns either know them well. For example the bonfire was the gift to Ukko ylijumala (a Finnish God of Thunder) and the flames kept also the evil spirits away. The Midsummer Eve and Night is time to perform magic spells which normally revolve around love. You can for example hide wild flowers under your pillow in the hope of catching a glimpse of your future husband in a dream.

Here I give you a few links which give you more information about our Midsummer:

Kannunkaataja (The Tripper), A Finnish song that tells about Midsummer with the English comments:

 White-Night -Magic video has an English commentary. It show the spells that young girls did in past. I guarantee that this video is worth watching.

My Midsummer Postcard to You

Midsummer 2016 by Yelling Rosa 
As you see a tiny little bee is adding love medicine into the flowers.

In case you like to send a magic card to your sweet heart below is one without my signature.

Midsummer 2016 II by Yelling Rosa 
“Juhannus” is the Finnish word for Midsummer and “toivoo” means hopes.

I wish all of you Very Good and Exciting Midsummer!

Signature 2016

PS From here you can see that the sun doesn’t set at all here at the moment:

Tornio, my hometown, is located at:
Latitude 65.8445 and longitude 24.1527

PPS New Flower Poem here: https://yrosa.wordpress.com/2016/06/24/all-people-want-to-be-happy/
25/6 –16 YR

About Yelling Rosa

I am retired. In my spare time I read, write, play the guitar and hike. I have published three verse books in Finnish and recorded my songs. You can listen to them on YouTube. I have translated some of my poems on Yelling Rosa's Weblog. I also like to watch movies. Olen kiinnostunut lukemisesta, kirjoittamisesta, kitaransoitosta ja luonnossa vaeltamisesta. Olen julkaissut kolme runokirjaa ja laulujani on äänitteillä. Voit lukea runojani Yelling Rosan kotisivuilta ja kuunnella laulujani YouTubessa. Olen elokuvafriikki.
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35 Responses to Midsummer Spells to You

  1. Oh, I like that the bee is adding love medicine! Thank you so much for this post! I like that it is a very special holiday for your country. Here it is hardly noticed but Husband and I have a small alter with natural things and always have a special wine and toast the fact that we have made it to another Summer Solstice. I will certainly send your card to my sweetheart of almost 40 years. Cheers!

    Liked by 4 people

  2. smilecalm says:

    beautifully buzzing tribute
    thanks Yelling Rosa 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Zarina says:

    In our country we don’t have this but I have always been intrigued with Midsummer. Have a good time with family and friends.

    Liked by 4 people

  4. Beautiful video wonderful scenery. I too roll in meadows and often walk barefoot

    Liked by 3 people

  5. Have a good time! Juhannus toivoo! 🙂 (thanks for the magic card)

    Liked by 4 people

  6. DG MARYOGA says:

    Delightful post!I just love this special relationship between flowers and bees.Happy St. John’s Day and Summer Solstice 🙂

    Liked by 4 people

  7. Poikkeksellisen lämpimän toukokuun lopun vuoksi pölyttäjillä on ollut kiire, koska on ollut yhtäaikaa paljon kukkia. Se voi … heikentää marjasatoja.

    Liked by 4 people

  8. lusalo14 says:

    Hello, Yelling… Beautiful postcard… ¡¡Thanks!! Happy midsummer to you, too… Big hug… 🙂 🙂 🙂

    Liked by 4 people

  9. sherazade says:

    What else can I say? Just gorgeous photos.

    Liked by 3 people

  10. BroadBlogs says:

    I did 3 Midsummer celebrations this year!

    Liked by 2 people

  11. I love the fact that these pagan traditions are still persisting in modern Finnish life despite so many centuries of Christianity. In Latin America which is so different from Finland they have this weird syncretic Catholicism that combines pagan gods with Christian saints. I find it all fascinating and your photos are gorgeous. I can’t imagine what it would be like for the sun to never set – maybe I need to pay a visit to Finland or the Arctic.

    Liked by 3 people

  12. Thank you for such a lovely post!

    Liked by 2 people

  13. Lovely post! Enjoy the rest of your summer… and have a nice weekend! Best wishes, Iris 🙂

    Liked by 3 people

  14. dsaquarelles says:

    “White &Night video”: magical and poetic ! “juhannus”and “toivoo” Thank you for the beautiful post cards! I ❤

    Liked by 3 people

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